HHaeading 1

With Shira Scott Astrof

Fawn with Ryan Bethencourt
Fawn with Carol Glasser

Fawn with Kerry Stribling

Fawn with Elle Whittlesbach

Fawn with Carol Glasser
25th Annual Gospel Brunch In Beverly HIlls, CA
Fawn and Kenny Lattimore
Fawn and Dian Wilson
Arme' Bake Sale For Animals

Suzanna Urzuly, Fawn, Alec Pedersen and son, Shannon Keith, Gene Blalock

HHaeading 1

The key to Success is knowing that
there is no Failure!
Feel like a FAILURE? BAH HUMBUG! WHAT exactly IS Failure? It's the training ground for success peeps! There really IS no failure! Only not trying is failure. Love you!
Live Your Life with Integrity, Honor and Truth!
I have had a very trying 2 months on a personal level and I would like to share something for those of you who have been betrayed and the victim of lies, slander and abuse...when that happens, THIS is what you MUST do! (I hope this helps some one. I am always here to talk if you need a sympathetic ear or some prayer, you can send me a personal email any time).........
BLESS some one today! Some one whose hurt you, lied about you, abused you...forgive and BLESS them! No matter WHAT is done to you, ALWAYS do the right thing! Their lack of honesty and integrity has NOTHING to DO with YOURS! When they try to make you angry, get you to react, change who you are, don't allow it! STAY FIRM...BE WHO YOU ARE BORN TO BE! Maybe they'll actually learn something. If not you will have done right and you will be blessed yourself and free of their insanity!

August So Far...
This has been a super busy summer for me. I have been dealing with construction at my home, caring for 20 animals (so many fosters), recording in the studio, volunteering at Animal Acres, attending benefits, helping friends, writing songs, writing for Diversity News Magazine and performing around town. Phew. Just thinking about it makes me want to go to sleep! Haha.......here are some pictures from the month so far........
Warren Eckstein's 40's Benefit For Animals at The Sportsman's Lodge.....
Pictured with: Ayal, Alan, Elle, Elaine Boosler, Elaine Hendrix, Peter Marshall.

Ayal and Fawn.
Fawn with Elle Whittlesbach.
Fawn and Elaine Hendrix.
Fawn and Peter Marshall.
Fawn and Elaine Boosler.

Cher Rue and Fawn.
Fawn with Bobby Trendy and Judy Tenuta.

Fawn with

Fawn with
Dinwiddie at
In Defense Of
Fawn with
Gene Blalock,
Holly Jones
and Shannon
Keith at In
Defense Of